Press release
Ulaanbaatar, 2021-03-17 - Ard Financial Group is launching its Stronger Together project to provide financial and emotional support to citizens who were stranded abroad due to the Covid 19 pandemic.
To invest even a small amount in the future of our citizens, MNT1 billion worth of ArdCoins will be distributed to Mongolians stranded abroad in every corner of the world. The number of ArdCoins per person will depend on the number of registrants. The project will be open to Mongolian citizens who were stranded abroad from March 20, 2020, to March 1, 2021, who made requests to the local Embassy as well as the State Emergency Commission for repatriation but were unable to come back home.
If you are stranded abroad and have applied to return home, you can apply for this donation by filling out an official questionnaire from Ard Financial Group from 13:00 on March 17 until 23:55 on March 28, 2021. When filling out the questionnaire, you are obliged to fill in the information in Cyrillic font only, and your information will be confirmed by the official information of the State Emergency Commission and the Embassy. Please note that ArdCoins will not be issued in case of incomplete documents, duplicate registration, or forgery. To receive ArdCoin, you must have installed Ard Application and registered yourself. If you meet the criteria and we will donate to your ArdCoin account via your registered phone number on Ard by April 15.
Ard Financial Group (MSE:AARD 03260) operates with the mission to Build the Investor Nation. Our investment portfolio includes companies such as Ard Insurance (MSE:AIC 05480), Ard Credit (MSE:ADB 05509), Ard Securities, Ard Life, Ard Assets, Ard Bit, TenGer Systems, MEC Partners (, Mongol Post (MSE:MNP 05412), Ard Holdings International, Ard Leasing, Ard Properties and Ard Realty. Ard Management has been operating Mongolia’s first closed-end mutual fund, The National Privatization Fund (MSE:XOC 4001) since the end of 2020. Ard App, Ard Fintech, ArdCoin, Ard Cash, CryptoNation and Ard Digital Bazaar are proprietary digital products based on artificial intelligence and blockchain technology.
For more details, contact:
HQ address: Ard Holdings, Prime Minister Amar street, Suhbaatar district, 8th horoo, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. w3w: powerful.gains.animates
Central Tower branch address: Suhbaatar square-2, Suhbaatar district, 8th horoo, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. w3w: animate.softest.screeches
Tel: +976 7700 8181, +9767700 8282, +976 7700 3322